
What and What not in Ramadan

In Ramadan:

  • Delete the superfluous (unnecessary) tasks and words
  • Exert yourself to increase Ibadat (worship); only engage in those worldly affairs that are really necessary.

Ramadan of:
Dua, Zikr, Tilawat, Shajdah (prostration), Durood, Tawba and Istegfar.

Not a Ramadan of:
Internet, mobile phone, google, facebook and twitter.

Ramadan of:
abstaining from sins.

Not a Ramadan of:
seeing, hearing, talking, touching, walking to, thinking of any evil.

Ramadan of:
Taqwa (piety), sadaqa (give away alms), sabr (tolerance and patience), ikhlas (sincerity) and self reformation.

Not a Ramadan of:
Gossiping, shopping, chatting, overeating and oversleeping.

Ramadan of:
Abundance in the Remembarance of Allah (Zikr), more and more proximity to Allah, more and more tears and seeking forgiveness, more and more Dua, Durood and Istegfar, more and more crying for sins and cleansing the heart & soul

Ramadan of:
Taraweeh, Tahajjud, Tilawat (recitation of Holy Qur’an) and Tarbiyat (reformation)…

Ramadan of:
Increasing Imaan and Taqwa, Shukr (gratitude), Sabr (tolerance & patience), Fear and Hope.

Last Updated on July 13, 2024 @ 5:08 am by admin

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