
Love: Differences and Balance – 1

What is love and why? For whom and/ how much?

It is pertinent that a believer be clear regarding the concept of love. Because this love is something that cannot be seen but felt. It is related to the heart, where the most precious thing of man resides, rather there resides the priceless wealth Imaan!

Signs and expressions of love

Despite love being abstract, who possesses it for whom is understandable. It bears signs and evidence. It’s hard to conceal. Love is not something to hide! Love that is hidden or tried to be concealed, the question arises, is that love at all?! (However, there could be exceptional situations/conditions for concealing love).

Where did people get the quality of love from?

The One who created us has created us with eternal love and mercy. Moreover, He has provided the nature or quality of love in our hearts. As a result, we can love ourselves and others. Fundamentally, love is a quality, but it can be a fault when abused or misused! Because not all love is acceptable and appreciated and not the same love can be expressed in all circumstances too!

Who deserves love the most

If we consider love as a quality, then the one Who is the most deserving to be loved is, Who has created us, the deity Who is always nurturing us through His endless blessings. There is absolutely no one like him! His love has no limits, loving Him has no limits too!

Beloved Lord, Beloved Creator, the incomparable and unparalleled single being. We were non-existent! Where we had not even known ourselves, how could be ever possible to know Him?! He revealed his own identity and told us our own identity as well. Then we could comprehend who is our Lord and who am I.

Who loves Allah the most?

Allah says:

وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَن يَتَّخِذُ مِن دُونِ اللّهِ أَندَاداً يُحِبُّونَهُمْ كَحُبِّ اللّهِ وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ أَشَدُّ حُبًّا لِّلّهِ

Meaning: Still there are some who take others as Allah’s equal—they love them as they should love Allah—but the ˹true˺ believers love Allah even more.

Surah Baqarah: 165

The topic at hand is quite extensive! A brief discussion of it is difficult. If Allah Taala gives Tawfeeq, we would try to shed some light on; May Allah provide the best Tawfeeq to both the writer and readers, provide us with the best of benefits. (O Allah! We seek Your love, we want to love You wholeheartedly)

Will everyone be like Allah?

The obvious and usual conscience dictates that we should love the individual more, who has provided more. In this way, first understand that the believer, be he male or female, frankly admits that Allah Taala’s bounties are the greatest of all. And, indeed, all the endowments are only from Allah! He is the sole owner of everything, yes only He alone. Therefore, love for Him is inherent in the entire creation. However, Jinn and mankind were created by Allah Almighty for the purpose of trial and test. He sent these two creations to the world by giving them the opportunity to undertake either of the two paths.

Either Jinn and Man will give priority to the love of Allah, or he will give priority to his own pleasure (ignoring Allah’s love). A true believer will always prioritize the love of Allah Taala. Thus he will pass the test and be successful in the next world after worldly life. And for those, who do not believe in Allah, the priority of their love will be for someone else – in view to fulfill their own pleasure.

It is required to comprehend; Allah’s love is eternal! This is the best love among all other true or pure love. Because this is the love between creation with the Creator! If this love is pure or true, it is eternal, the reward will be eternal too!

There are levels of Love

Again, for Allah Taala’s love, there are levels. All believers have some love for Allah; it is undeniable. However, the levels of love for Allah vary from believer to believer.

Sign of Misfortune

If a person makes it clear by statement or action that he does not love Allah Taala, there is no love for love in him/her for Allah, that it is a different issue! Such individual is not a believer (Muslim). This also needs to be well understood by a believer. Because, possessing love for Allah is a fundamental basis of belief (Imaan, faith in Allah). When one has no genuine love for Allah Taala, nor one has even no interest in it — Ma’az Allah! – This is nothing but a sign of bad fortune, i.e., disbelief!

Those who are deprived of Allah’s love

Whoever makes a sarcastic remark about Allah’s commands and prohibitions, rejects them, and makes bitter or adverse comments against them, no matter how much they mention their names: Abdullah, Abdur Rahman, Fatima or Ayesha, they (at least because of those actions now) are unbelievers, unless they return to Islam through complete repentance. The actions that make people unbelievers are due to their love and affection towards someone or something else. Sometimes it is love of wealth, or greed for title/power, or someone else or a group.

The love that despises the love of Allah, the love that makes it easy and natural to accept any other greed or lust instead of the love of Allah, is definitely a love for some creation, and it is definitely a love that is against the will of Allah! It could be claimed as proper, true, or praiseworthy by people of other nations other than Muslims. A true believer (Muslim) knows and firmly believes that without repentance these love will one day cause eternal regret!

Common Characteristics of Loving the Elders

Besides loving the elder and accepting the sacrifices and hardships for him, it is very important to respect and obey him! Possessing love for someone elder means that we value his respect and loyalty! The stronger the bond of love, the more devotion and respect to the elder and the more obedience to him!

No matter whoever claims to love someone elderly, we all have the above attributes. Think in this case, when the one who will be loved is Allah Almighty, and the one who loves Him is the servant, how would the factors of devotion, respect, loyalty, suffering and sacrifice be?!

Allah Ta’ala’s love is the greatest, incomparable

This is not the love of a creation with another creation, but the love of the creation with the Creator. The Creator who is the real Creator, not an idol, not a replica of any creation, not a dead or living creature, the real Creator whose identity has been authentically revealed to man through His specially chosen truthful servants, i.e., the Prophets, which humans received categorically. And He is the holy, noble Being, Allah Taala Whose Love is supreme and incomparable.

Every believer (Muslim) is always ready to sacrifice his/her life for gaining the love of Allah!

Last Updated on July 18, 2023 @ 6:45 pm by admin

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